Saturday, November 28, 2009


New obsession: bentos!

Bento is a Japanese lunch packed in a box....umm... that's not a good description. The thing I like about bento is that they're FUN. Check out this Noah's Ark bento, with animals made out of rice:

No way would I ever put THAT much effort into making bento, but I love the idea of making food fun, with shapes and colors and animals and fun picks and cute sauce bottles.

And, no, I'm not making the Japanese food to go in the bento, but I am pilfering the funness out of it. I made my first onigiri (rice ball) in the shape of a star out of leftover rice from today's dinner. We'll see if it holds its shape or if I need to buy short-grain rice...

Maybe I'll plan to be gone all day so I'll HAVE to make a bento for Zade and myself... or maybe I'll even make one for Jacob. :) I think I'll start with a small snack bento for church on Sunday so I can get through the 3 hours without feeling faint.

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