Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas and nesting

Christmas was the best!!!

Every year is the best, of course, but this year was my first-EVER white Christmas!! FUN!!

And today, I'm totally nesting... I cleaned out the pantry and reorganized it, then moved on to reorganizing practically the whole kitchen. Then swept and mopped the floor--SERIOUSLY mopped. I was on my knees scrubbing corners and those spots that don't ever seem to come off with just a mop. And while I was down there, I noticed the cupboards are kind of gross and dirty... so I started on that. Too tired to do all of it, but I got some done.

I am just SO EXCITED to be feeling SO MUCH BETTER!! I actually had ENERGY to do stuff! Well, this morning I didn't, but I decided to do stuff anyway, and the energy just came. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Happiness!!!! It's nice to not be helpless anymore!!! :)

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