Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zade pictures

Zade: 12 minutes old:

Zade and his daddy:

Zade after his first bath:

Monday, August 11, 2008


Our litle bundle of wonderfulness is here! he's so absolutely adorable! will post pics once we upload them. :)
8 lbs, 11 oz, 18.9 in, born on 08/08/08.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wedding pictures

These are from last year, but since I didn't have a blog then, you get the pictures now. :) I still can't believe we're married... or that someone as incredibly amazing as Jacob actually exists...

The getaway car:

Oh, baby!

Like father, like son: Here's a pic of the COOOOOOLEST maternity shirt ever! I'll get a better one posted when I have someone around to take the picture for me...

and a side view of the HUGE belly:

and the crib, all ready for the baby:

I went to the doctor last week... I was 3 cm dialated and 80% effaced, so that's good progress. We'll see the status again today... I'm hoping the baby will come THIS WEEKEND!! Crazy, eh? But I've been having lots of stronger contractions, so I'm hopeful.

Friday, August 1, 2008

my own boss!

YEAH! Talk about amazing. I'm gone from my day job of editing, and now am working as a freelancer. At the moment, I have two graphic design jobs going, which are actually lots of fun. It's the best.

And I have to say, it's amazing how God will bless you before you even get to the point of needing the blessing. I've been trying to find some sort of work that I could do from home, so I could be a mom all day, and here, before the first baby is even born, I have three different opportunities set up--the two graphic design jobs and an occasional writing job (for a magazine). It's amazing.