Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 goals

I'm huge on making goals; I make them all the time, except at New Year's because, like everyone else, I never keep the New Year's goals.

Here are my current goals for the next year or so:

1. Have a baby and figure out HOW to be a mom to two small children
2. Grow a 4'x4' square foot garden
3. Train for the February 2010 Cowtown Marathon
4. Bake 52 types of bread
5. Read 52 books
6. Try 52 new recipes

We'll see what happens. I plan for January and February to be mild, goal-wise, as I have a baby and recover and try to adjust to a new life with two kids. March will be when I start my garden and running.


Crazy Black family said...

Ooh, sounds fun. Good luck achieving the goals! :) And with the baby too. Tell ya what, 2 kids isn't as hard as I thought. Just make sure Zade is taken care of if they need something at the same time... he'll remember it more. :D Good luck with delivery, too!

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I too will be attempting to make 52 new recipes this year.

I've a slew of recipes indexed on my blog. Do pop by and say hello.

karen said...

Good goals. I am going to try to do my goals this year. I hope to get back to blogging soon. Love you.