Thursday, December 31, 2009


I woke up late this morning. Jacob said he turned off the alarm so I would be able to sleep in, since I got almost NO sleep the night before.

So we go about our usual routine of getting ready for the day, only Jacob also bathes Zade. I figure, hey, Jacob's already late for work and he knew it was bothering me how much Zade needed a bath, so he's being sweet. Sure.

Then we're downstairs and Jacob puts Zade's shoes on. Well, it was a little cold, and shoes would keep him warmer than just socks. After making a lunch, Jacob casually puts on Zade's jacket. Again, it's a little on the cold side, so no big deal.

Then Jacob is about to leave and offers Zade the chance to go outside. I'm all "NOoooo!! You can't do that to a kid--offer to take him outside when he just can't go." But then Jacob whips out Zade's hat from his pocket, picks up Zade and REALLY DOES TAKE HIM!!!

"WHAT??" That's all I could think. So I throw a jacket on over my pjs and follow him out. "Are you serious? But where are you going?" He just smiles and drives off.

So I figure he felt so bad for how exhausted I was yesterday that he arranged to have someone watch Zade while he was at work. Sweet!

Then about half an hour later, the time it takes for him to get to work, he calls: "Did I leave my work keys there?" Yep. He had.

Five minutes later he opens the door and has FLOWERS!! And the news that he has TODAY and TOMORROW off!!!


So tricked!

He is so sweet!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas and nesting

Christmas was the best!!!

Every year is the best, of course, but this year was my first-EVER white Christmas!! FUN!!

And today, I'm totally nesting... I cleaned out the pantry and reorganized it, then moved on to reorganizing practically the whole kitchen. Then swept and mopped the floor--SERIOUSLY mopped. I was on my knees scrubbing corners and those spots that don't ever seem to come off with just a mop. And while I was down there, I noticed the cupboards are kind of gross and dirty... so I started on that. Too tired to do all of it, but I got some done.

I am just SO EXCITED to be feeling SO MUCH BETTER!! I actually had ENERGY to do stuff! Well, this morning I didn't, but I decided to do stuff anyway, and the energy just came. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Happiness!!!! It's nice to not be helpless anymore!!! :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So I dragged myself to the doctor today. I've had a cough for more than 2 weeks and it's recently been getting worrisome.

I have bronchitis.

Last time I had it, I was in elementary school. I got sick the day after school got out for the summer and was in bed for two weeks straight.

No wonder I've been SO TIRED!! I thought it was just me being weak combined with the pregnancy. But, no, it's me pregnant, weak, AND sick.

Good thing--the medicine I have should clear it out within 5 days! YAY! I hope ALL the sickness in the house will be GONE by the time the baby comes--she's due in 3 weeks!!! Though I think I'll be late--I'm not anywhere near uncomfortable enough to be that close to being done with the pregnancy.

Thanks, Mom!

My mom came over after work today to play with Zade.

Both Jacob and I are sick = no energy to play with our now-feeling-better (YAY!) son. So his grandma came over and not only played with him, but vacuumed half the house, did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, gave Zade a bath, and, most importantly, made Zade laugh.

THANKS, MOM!! You're the BEST!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Dinner was a disaster today. Well, at least it was mostly edible.

I made pizza. Pizza! One of the easiest things to make.

The crust turned out flatter than anything AND took forever to bake though.


The stars weren't aligned right? Maybe today is national yeast-won't-rise day? Who knows?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Full freezer

My brilliant plans of making extra meals and freezing them is at an end. My freezer is stuffed. I made a TON of burritos (kinda like Chipotle's burritos) and a bunch of chicken roll-up thingys.

It's all good, though, I have so little energy that I don't know if I'll end up waiting for the baby before we start eating the frozen stuff.

Contractions are coming more frequently, which is good and exciting. The baby's dropped. We *might* have a name picked out, dunno quite yet... But a middle name! GASP!

I think she'll come after Christmas, but before the middle of January.... we shall see...
What do you think? Thursday, January 7, 4 pm? How's that for a random guess? 8.5 lbs... nah, I think she'll be smaller than Zade was (he was 8 lbs, 10 oz). She certainly doesn't feel as big and heavy, but there's still a few weeks to go...

Friday, December 11, 2009

muffin tin meal!

Gotta love this idea: meals in a muffin tin!

I discovered this by a link to Muffin Tin Mom at

It sounds like SO much fun! I think I'm too lazy to actually do it now, but maybe in a few months I'll start...

I think I just have a thing for fun food... these are similar to bentos, but just not packed in a box.

Speaking of, I got my first bento-specific tools today: fun toothpicks for making mini kebabs and such. Food is WAY more fun on a stick.

Only in Texas...

Santa wears COWBOY boots!! Gotta love it. I'll post a pic of Zade on his lap as soon as I upload the pic, but I thought it was AWESOME he was wearing cowboy boots!

As soon as the house is paid off, one of the first big Christmas decorations I want to get is one of those lighted signs in the shape of Texas that says "Merry Christmas, Y'all!"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

evil brownies and today's project

Here is my suspected culprit of the food poisoning:

Yeah. delicious fudge brownies. Pretty sure that's where I got sick from.

And today's project: cleaning out the pantry/food storage under the stairs. We had a moth invasion and, while most of them are gone, I needed to get rid of them completely so they NEVER return. Plus, I needed to trash the food they ruined...they mostly got into cereal and some flour. Bummer throwing the ruined food away, but it was nice knowing that I got everything on sale, so it wasn't wasting TOO much money.

I emptied the entire cupboard under the stairs, vacuumed the whole thing, including the walls and corners and crevices. Then I wiped it all down. Moved the shelves and did the same to them, even underneath (where I also found a secret message that said J <3 A).

When I put the food back, I organized it all and wiped it all down, even the tins and glass jars, just in case. Here's what the pantry looks like now:

That's one bookshelf... I have another for cooking-related pantry stuff, like flour and beans and rice and stuff.

Anyways, not QUITE finished... I'm EXHAUSTED. I mostly have stuff like paper towels left to check for moths and all that. Tomorrow I'll get to the rest.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jacob Appreciation Day!

While Jacob is ALWAYS amazing and wonderful, I especially appreciate him today. He came home early from work to take care of Zade while I was sick with food poisoning. AND he totally cleaned out our disgusting kitchen, which had half a week's worth of dishes and ickiness. And he made dinner and got me toast. And took good care of our energetic little boy.

I LOVE JACOB! He is really the best person there is.